About the funds - Next Generation Navarra/Nafarroa

What are the NextGenerationEU funds?

NextGenerationEU is the European Union’s temporary instrument to support the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic in EU Member States. Budgeted at €750 billion, NextGenerationEU offers Member States funds in the form of grants and loans, available from 2021 to 2026.

Among Member States, Spain is getting €140 billion. In order to manage the use of NextGenerationEU proceeds, a special tool has been created: the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (in Spanish, Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, or PRTR), aimed at the recovery and modern transformation of the Spanish economy on the basis of four cross-cutting lines of action: the green transition, the digital transition, social and territorial cohesion, and gender equality.

These four lines of action are implemented by means of ten leverage policies, divided into thirty components, subsequently translated into investment and reform initiatives. For further information about the leverage policies and their components, go to the PRTR website.

Who has access to NextGenerationEU resources?

Individuals, freelancers, businesses and third-sector companies are all eligible for NextGenerationEU funds, as long as they meet the relevant requirements.

While the specific terms and conditions vary depending on the policy, the project and its scope, all calls have one thing in common: contribution to the green transition and the digital transition.

The funds may be put to a variety of purposes: SME upgrades of IT equipment or web developments, photovoltaic installations in residential buildings, improved accessibility in municipal offices, and so on.

How can you access the NextGenerationEU resources?

All calls for applications for grants and tenders are announced on the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) website, in the subsidy/grant tracker.

You can use filters to search for grants, subsidies or tenders; open, finished or upcoming calls; or by area.

The results show the name of the subsidy, grant or tender; its status; the administration making the call; and the autonomous community involved. If you click on the results, you will see all the links containing the information you need to apply for the subsidy or grant.

In addition, the PRTR publishes a weekly newsletter where you can find all the NextGenerationEU announcements, divided by ministry, subject, amount and deadline. You can subscribe to keep up to date on the latest developments.

Finally, the PRTR website contains interesting information about fund allocation to the autonomous communities, investments managed by the autonomous communities, regular news on levels of implementation, calendar of calls for applications, and more.

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